
Are you a teacher that also leads?

I am a teacher. I teach, but I'm also a leader. I lead a team, manage a budget, coach colleagues, and help coordinate professional learning. I'm interested in developing my skills for the role I'm in, and for future opportunities. I want to strengthen my leadership skills and make sure my career heads in a direction I'm happy with. Like my colleagues, I use the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers to develop my teaching practice. The Teacher Standards outline the elements of high=quality effective teachings to improve educational outcomes for all learners. The Teacher Standards help recognise our current and developing capabilities, professional aspirations and achievements. They sit alongside the Australian Professional Standard for Principals, which guides school leaders to develop and support teaching that maximises the impact on student learning. The Principal Standard might have the word ‘principal’ in the title, but it's not just for principals — it's a guide to help develop our leadership abilities and capacities relevant to our current work or future career plans. The Principal Standard recognises the skills that all good leaders share, as well as the professional practices specific to school leadership. A lot of us already draw on a range of leadership skills in our work. We might lead a school-wide project to help engage with parents in new ways, or work side-by-side with colleagues using the Teacher Standards to help them build their knowledge and skills. Understanding the Principal Standard helps me understand my role in a different light. I can see areas where I already demonstrate leadership and areas where I can develop these skills further. Both standards provide support and direction for me now, and into the future. To explore the Principal Standard and Teacher Standards, visit