
Pre-appointment principal certification 2018 update

This past September, the Federal Education Minister announced that AITSL had been tasked with developing a process to better prepare aspiring leaders for the principal role – known as pre-principal certification. AITSL is working with the profession to design a national approach to prepare and assess an individual’s readiness for the principal role. So far, we have learned that the process should: • be voluntary • be based on the Principal and Teacher Standards • balance the rigour of assessment activities with workload demands • recognise and value leadership in context • take into account other professional learning experiences and programs. Our next step is to better understand how pre-appointment principal certification could affect the supply of principals in metropolitan, provincial, rural and remote locations across the country. This will be our focus in early 2018. We know from broad evidence that school leadership significantly affects student outcomes. So Australia’s governments and the profession are focused on tackling principal supply and preparation issues. The overall aim is to have more well-prepared aspiring principals in Australia, for a future of high-quality school leadership and improved student outcomes. More details can be found in the Q&As on our website. We should have a further update on this work mid-year. Thanks for watching.