The key messages in this Spotlight reveal that:

  • Teachers and school or centre leaders who build effective and collaborative partnerships with parents can significantly shape the education and wellbeing outcomes of their learners.
  • Schools and other education and care settings can support teachers in their engagement with parents by implementing procedures and guidelines for collaborating and communicating effectively with parents.
  • Teachers and school leaders can assist parents with developing actions and attitudes that progressively become more centred on their children’s learning. In-school activities may represent the first steps towards getting parents engaged with learning.
  • Consistent and genuine communication with parents, particularly small moments of connection, can help to build mutually beneficial partnerships between parents and teachers.
  • The challenge for schools and children’s education and care settings is to improve parental engagement by prioritising ongoing, contextualised support interventions and programs that address the distinct needs of their diverse parental community.

The term ‘parent’ is used throughout this Spotlight to refer to any family member, caregiver or guardian who acts as a parent to a child, acknowledging the diverse family structures and caregiving arrangements that exist. The terms ‘parent’, ‘parental’ and ‘family’ are used interchangeably.

Departments of Education

Departments of Education across Australia’s states and territories provide resources to support teachers and school leaders with parental engagement in their school.

Interact with the map by hovering over and clicking on each state



  1. Parenting self-efficacy is defined as “caregivers’ beliefs in their capabilities to influence their child and the environment, to promote child development and other desirable outcomes” (Ma, 2024), p. 1).