Good Shepherd Lutheran College - Principal's message
The Good Shepard Lutheran College, Principal Message
Leading for Impact
Rachel Boyce, Principal Good Shepherd Lutheran College - This school is about us, it’s not about me or them or I, it really is about who we are as a collective. The basis of our decision making around the PYP and MYP is more about how do we form learners that are learning, not just today but actually going to be passionate and knowledgeable about what learning is for the rest of their life. We find the transiency of students difficult, a student that starts here in year 7, is not necessarily going to end here in year 12; families move. We had conversations around what an appreciative inquiry summit might be when we tired our strategic planning in 2015.
Darren Boyce, Head of Positive Education, Good Shepherd Lutheran College - It meant not just changing practice, it meant actually getting meaningful change in the underlying assumptions of what education means and how the place ran.
Rachel Boyce, Principal, Good Shepherd Lutheran College – It was put to the executive that we have parents, staff and students there. At first I went oh, I don’t know if I want parents in the same room as staff, yet we did, we jumped in and we said well “let’s give it a go and see where it goes” and it was extremely powerful. But it was certainly something in my head I had to see differently and imagine differently and I don’t look back. Whatever we do now, we bring in as many people as we can to the conversation.
Elsabe Bott, Deputy Principal, Good Shepherd Lutheran College - The key message that we give to staff and to students, is being the best that you can be and, the school is here to support everyone to do that.
Rachel Boyce, Principal, Good Shepherd Lutheran College – It’s actually about all of us knowing what’s best for this school. There will be a time when I move on and the parents and the students, this will be their school forever. So, for me, it’s about listening to that voice!