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Here the teacher builds in time for self-evaluation to consolidate students’ learning and to establish what is required for future progress. He asks students to reflect on what they have done well and to provide examples to illustrate this success. He elaborates upon the students’ responses, constantly reinforcing the skills that have been learnt and applied, and uses technical language to describe these. The teacher also provides the students with his evaluation of the successful outcomes of the lesson.
This teacher is responsible for teaching physical education to students at upper primary levels. At the end of a lesson where students have acquired and practised new game skills in soccer, the teacher provides extended time for students to evaluate what they have learnt and to reflect on future learning goals. Noteworthy in this session is the teacher’s use of the technical language associated with the skills he has introduced. This technical terminology helps to reinforce each skill and the students’ learning outcomes in relation to these.
  • In what ways do you make the learning goals explicit to your students within a class or a learning sequence?
  • What feedback strategies are most useful when catering for a group of students with diverse abilities?
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Offline package - Consolidating learning goals