2011 national approach to accreditation of initial teacher education programs

On 15 April 2011, the Ministerial Council for Education, Early Childhood and Youth Affairs (MCEECDYA) endorsed the 2011 Accreditation Standards and Procedures, which for the first time provided a national approach to the accreditation of initial teacher education programs.

2015 Accreditation Standards and Procedures

In 2015, the Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group made recommendations about the national approach to the accreditation of initial teacher education programs. In December 2015, Education Council endorsed the Accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia: Standards and Procedures (the Accreditation Standards and Procedures) for the national accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia. Find out more about the initial teacher education reforms.

The 2015 Accreditation Standards and Procedures builds on the previous processes and program accreditation and continues to be undertaken by the state and territory teacher regulatory authorities.

Further information

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