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This clip highlights a number of different initiatives that the mathematics coordinator has implemented to encourage the connectedness of mathematics in the classroom to the outside world. He has done this by introducing a number of outside professionals with mathematics experience to promote mathematics to students and support teachers. He also delivers a virtual mathematics program to enable talented mathematics students in remote locations synchronous learning opportunities.
Parkes High School is located in western New South Wales and has an enrolment of approximately 700 students. A significant number of students commute by bus from smaller rural communities into Parkes. The school maintains a strong academic emphasis whilst catering for students who may pursue alternative pathways. At the school, the coordinator of mathematics is responsible for the delivery of an online Gifted and Talented Program for students in remote locations, mentoring of new teachers, coordination of mathematics teachers and implementing innovative programs.
  • What strategies could you introduce to develop and implement engaging learning and teaching programs?
  • How can your school encourage meaningful ways for students to apply recent learnings in new contexts?
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Offline package - Flexible delivery of mathematics