To celebrate this busy and eventful year, we have curated a list of some of the most popular AITSL resources in 2022. Explore them now or bookmark them for the new year.
Spotlight - Wellbeing in Australian schools
An evidence summary looking at wellbeing of both educators and learners in education settings. Need even more research? The recently published Spotlight - Middle leadership in Australian schools was another popular page on AITSL’s site this year.
In the Classroom Videos
The ‘In the Classroom’ series feature full lesson footage with both lesson audio and teacher commentary audio. They help you to build expertise by watching effective teaching instruction in action.
Quick Guide - Connecting rural, regional and remote teachers to high-quality professional learning
A quick guide written for teachers and leaders in rural, regional and remote locations. We also published quick guides for connecting early childhood teachers to high-quality professional learning and supporting your casual relief teachers to learn.
Illustration of Practice: Implementing an Indigenous language program
Suitable for Proficient teachers, this video illustrates how school leaders at Mossman State School collaborated with local Aboriginal Elders in the Mossman and Daintree area to develop a language program for teaching Kuku Yalanji to students at all levels.
High-Quality Professional Learning Toolkit
An online platform that guides you in creating a professional learning plan that is relevant, collaborative and future-focused. Access this interactive and free toolkit now to get ready for 2023.
Make sure you’re signed up to AITSL Mail so you can be the first to hear about new resources in 2023.