We have great teachers in all Australian schools, and like the medical or legal professions, they are required to meet particular standards.
A National Review of Teacher Registration was announced today on the back of agreement by all Australian Education Ministers. The review is timely as the National Framework that we use to register teachers against the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers has been in place since 2011.
“The thing that makes the biggest difference to students is great teaching. I am looking forward to the review findings so we can identify any improvements that need to be made to strengthen the teacher registration system and help build teaching quality across Australia,” AITSL CEO Lisa Rodgers said.
“As the national organisation for teaching and school leadership, AITSL is well placed to support this review. Minister Birmingham has asked us to work with all states and territories and other key stakeholders to progress the work. It complements AITSL’s role in providing support to advance quality teaching so that all teachers have maximum impact on learning, leading to better outcomes for all Australian students,” Ms Rodgers said.
The National Review of Teacher Registration Expert Panel will be chaired by Mr Chris Wardlaw PSM, currently Chair of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority and Deputy Chair of AITSL. He will be joined by a group of individuals with a vast range of experience and expertise in education and regulation, both in Australia and internationally. The Panel will bring important perspectives to this important task.
“The Review will look at the extent to whether there is national consistency in teacher registration processes across the country, including identifying examples of best practice, challenges and barriers. It will also look at the rigour with which the agreed Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, a driver for teacher quality, are applied in states and territories,” Chris Wardlaw, Chair of the National Review of Teacher Registration Expert Panel said.
“Consultation is critical for the Review, and the independent expert panel intends to consult with a broad range of voices in every state and territory.
“We invite anyone who would like to have a voice on the review to visit the AITSL website for details of the consultation. We would especially urge teachers and principals to participate in the consultation process.
“Our teachers deserve to get the same level of support and development, no matter which state or territory they live in. The review will let us know the extent to which that is currently the case, and will make recommendations to improve the experience and impact for educators. The test for any changes would be that there is benefit for students in classrooms right across Australia,” Ms Rodgers said.
The Expert Panel is expected to report back to Education Council later in the year.
Media Release - National Review of Teacher Registration (PDF, 47.3 KB)
Media contact
Dianne Jickell
T: 0424 460 943
E: [email protected]