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A group of colleagues work collaboratively to evaluate a recent mathematics unit that they taught and plan next steps in the teaching and learning process. The teacher guides the professional conversation to focus on engaging all students in mathematics lessons.  She shares ideas from her own exemplary practice and knowledge, and structures the meeting to model specific strategies to fully engage the teachers in the evaluation and planning process.
The school is a non-government school in a provincial setting. The teachers involved in the planning meeting teach Year 5 classes of between 20 and 25 students. The teachers meet weekly to evaluate and plan their mathematics program together. They are implementing a new program this year, which features an inquiry methodology with central ideas explored by students, through structured, authentic learning experiences. The collaborative planning meetings are based upon Essential Agreements with enhancing student learning and teacher professionalism as the focus.
  • What are some of the strategies the teacher uses to effectively involve her colleagues in the meeting?
  • How does the teacher structure the meeting to maintain a focus on student engagement throughout?
  • Why does the teacher place such importance on developing ways to ‘measure’ the success of the mathematics unit with respect to engaging students in their learning?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Engaging all students