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A teacher in a position of responsibility discusses with a colleague the context and evidence relating to an item of written assessment that the teacher contends does not conform to what the student is able to achieve. The co-ordinator carefully leads her colleague through an examination of the evidence. The methodical and sound approach that she exhibits is required in order to arrive at an understanding that is informed and that will allow her to articulate to the relevant parties a fair and accurate representation of the school's position
Dominic College is a Catholic, kindergarten to year 10, co-educational, independent school in Hobart. Within the school, teachers may have roles of responsibility at either one or both campuses. This teacher's responsibilities include curriculum co-ordination at years 7–10, and being Director of Teaching & Learning across K–10. In her role as curriculum co-ordinator, the teacher has a duty to respond fairly to parent/carer queries relating to the school's assessment practices. She meets with a colleague to ascertain the teaching and assessment context involving these.
  • What codes of ethics can teachers in your school draw upon to guide their interactions with others in your school community?
  • In what circumstances have you been required to support colleagues in school and community contexts?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Exercising sound judgement