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There is a moment in the Illustration when a student uses an iPad to explore kaleidoscopic effects in an arts class and instantly becomes engaged in the learning activity. It is this engagement through the use of ICT that the teacher provides for her students in a range of classes. She uses her knowledge and skills of what works with students to suggest ways in which ICT can be used to make their teaching content engaging and meaningful. Within the school's Personal Learning program, she uses ICT to with students to encourage them to explore and develop their own creative ideas, strengths and skills.
Centralian Senior College is the largest senior secondary education provider in Alice Springs. The school was established in 2005 and has approximately 600 students in years 10, 11 and 12. Judith Coverdale is a teacher at the school. She is also co-ordinator of the Arts learning area. She is committed to the use of ICT in teaching and learning and promotes its use in collegiate planning meetings, in her arts teaching and in a year 10 Personal Learning subject.
  • In what practical ways can teachers and schools transfer high-level teaching knowledge and skills?
  • How can/do you use ICT in your teaching to develop thinking and creativity?
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