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In a year 11 Business Organisation Management class, a teacher uses a range of strategies to suit the learning needs of her students. Within a unit on Operations Management, the teacher has previously taken students to a local supermarket to connect their theoretical knowledge with a real-life business example within the community. The teacher is then able to draw and build on this experience throughout the lesson and in future teaching. Most students use English as an additional language, so the teacher uses class discussion, the ‘I do, we do, you do’ strategy and continuous consolidation activities to support their English literacy needs and understanding of core concepts.
Thursday Island Secondary Campus in the Torres Strait is part of Tagai State College. The Secondary Campus has a student enrolment of about 368 students with the majority being of Torres Strait Islander and/or Aboriginal descent. The Campus offers courses of study from years 8–12. Students transition to the Campus from 16 outer and inner island schools and approximately 70 students board at two residential colleges on Thursday Island.
  • What strategies would you use that make connections with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students’ sense of identity and prior knowledge?
  • How would you target the English literacy needs of students with English as an additional language or dialect?
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Offline package - Real-life business