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The teacher is a mathematics director in a newly built school in the ACT. He is responsible for supporting a number of colleagues who range from beginning teachers to those who are highly experienced. He explains that his role is to assist them to select and trial new approaches to teaching and learning. This involves subsequent critical reflection. Working within a customised learning environment that lends itself to teacher collaboration and to the ubiquitous use of ICT for learning involves challenges and opportunities. The teacher describes how the school’s purpose built learning environment facilitates teaching and learning as well as teacher collaboration.
Established in 2011, Gungahlin College is a senior secondary school for years 10–12 in the ACT. It has over 800 students studying traditional and vocational studies. The school was designed and purpose built to incorporate extensive use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in a wireless networking environment.
  • In what ways have information and communication technologies changed the learning environments in your school?
  • What opportunities are there for teacher collaboration in your school?
  • What kinds of leaning environments are best able to develop in students knowledge, skills, problem solving and critical and creative thinking?
1 supporting file(s)

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Offline package - The challenge of the new