Our approach
We would not be able to lead national education reform without the expertise and support of committed educators from across Australia. We have a consultative approach for all the work we do. For example, the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
were developed in consultation with more than 6,000 educators.
We have a strong connection with the teaching profession and work closely with teachers, leaders, systems, sectors, regulatory bodies, initial teacher education providers, and principal and other professional associations, to develop policies, tools and resources that support quality teaching and leadership.
Ongoing consultative groups
Some of our regular consultative groups include:
- School Leadership and Teaching Expert Standing Committee (SLTESC) - a group of 20 experts representing current classroom teachers, school leaders, teaching and school leadership professional associations, and systems and sectors.
- Teacher Education Expert Standing Committee (TEESC) - comprised of experts from across universities and state and territory teacher regulatory bodies.
- Professional Growth Network - includes nominated representatives from the government and Catholic and Independent sectors in every state and territory, with a focus on supporting teacher growth and development.
- Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) Advisory Group - HALTs from each state/territory currently offering teacher certification, with a focus on priorities for the national HALT Network.
- Advisory Group for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Education - includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education experts from across the nation. They provide advice on work to support teachers and school leaders to ensure that Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander students achieve their full potential and are supported to embrace their culture and identity.
These groups provide practical advice and direction from practising experts. Initiatives discussed in these forums are often progressed to the Education Ministers Meeting.
The School Leadership and Teaching Expert Standing Committee (SLTESC) and Teacher Education Expert Standing Committee (TEESC) provide policy advice and support to our Board through the AITSL team. Each committee is governed by terms of reference that
set out its purpose, role, responsibilities, composition, structure, and membership. They are chaired by one of our Directors who reports to the AITSL Board.
SLTESC provides our Board with recommendations on, and helps quality assure, the development of policies, resources and other
AITSL-led initiatives that support teachers and school leaders; provides timely advice to our management team on the items presented at SLTESC meetings and are progressed to the AITSL Board; and gathers advice and opinions from the sector to inform
developing work programs.
TEESC provides our Board with advice on issues relating to reform in initial teacher education; our role in supporting national consistency
of the accreditation process; improving the rigour of the accreditation process, including providing evidence of impact; development of resources to support initial teacher education; and gathers views from relevant stakeholders who are consulted
on the operation of the system and major pieces of work.
Our thanks go to the members of all our advisory groups, network groups and stakeholder forums, including those listed above, who commit time and effort to helping us make sure that the work we do has the greatest impact on quality teaching and leadership.