About the HALT Network

The Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT) Network is the first of its kind in Australia, bringing together teachers nationally certified as Highly Accomplished or Lead.

The Network enables Highly Accomplished and Lead teachers to develop expertise with like-minded colleagues from across Australia and work together to share their collective expertise with the broader profession. 

Join today

Join the HALT Network today. You will get access to the online HALT Hub where you can connect with HALT colleagues and access exclusive HALT Network resources and events. 

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Mac Halt Network

Create your profile

Connect for HALT colleagues, keep up to date with the latest news and resources.

Connect with others

Search for HALT Network members, view profiles and get in touch. 

Google Chrome Halt

HALT Network Member Benefits 

Connect and collaborate

Access the online HALT Hub to search for, connect and collaborate with fellow Network members.

Increase your impact

Increase your impact by sharing your expertise and contributing to national education projects.

Expertise Matters newsletter

Receive the Expertise Matters newsletter to keep up to date on important events and Network activities.

Attend HALT Summit

Attend the annual HALT Summit, hear from leading educational thinkers and network with your HALT colleagues.

Post-nominals for certified teachers

AITSL endorses the use of the following nationally preferred post-nominal letters for certified teachers, subject to any employer conditions or approvals required:

  • Certified Teacher – Highly Accomplished – HAT
  • Certified Teacher – Lead – LT

The HALT Charter

We are experts 

We are nationally certified Highly Accomplished and Lead teachers. Experts at our craft, leaders in our profession; trusted and respected learning advocates. We know that as individuals we have impact on the young people we teach and on our colleagues. We work with our communities to improve outcomes for all young people.

We believe in our profession

We believe in our profession and the ability of every teacher to have a positive impact on the lives of the young people they teach. Every day we challenge ourselves and those we work with to achieve their best.

We are a national network

We come together as like-minded individuals to share expertise and work together to develop the greatness in all teachers. As a Network we will have impact on our profession. We will develop ourselves and others, and collectively grow the expertise of the profession so as to have maximum impact on all young people.

Our commitment

We are the advocates, leaders, and owners of the Network.

As a Network we will:

  • share our expertise to develop ourselves and others
  • celebrate our success and our profession
  • work with beginning teachers and induct them to our profession
  • encourage and coach our colleagues to become nationally certified