AITSL developed a methodology to undertake a standard-setting process, which was agreed to by AITSL’s Standard Setting Advisory Group (SSAG).
The aim of this methodology was to achieve national consistency of judgements across accreditation panels on what it means to meet the Accreditation Standards. To implement the methodology, AITSL held a series of four standard-setting workshops from June to December 2019, with trained accreditation panellists, including ITE providers, teachers, employers and representatives of the jurisdictional teacher regulatory authorities. At each of the workshops, data was gathered on the consistency of the judgements being made against each of the elements requiring verification and professional judgement in the Accreditation Guidelines.
To ensure the methodology was implemented as agreed, AITSL engaged the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) to undertake an independent quality assurance function at each of the standard-setting workshops.
The data collected from these workshops, along with close collaboration between AITSL and the jurisdictional teacher regulatory authorities, informed the revision of the Accreditation Guidelines.