Web App

Get personalised advice from experienced teachers

If you are a new teacher and you need advice, My Teaching Advice (MTA) can help. MTA gives you access to experienced teachers who have a range of expertise and who want to help. These expert teachers can address your query in a live chat format, with contextual and category specific advice.

Download the My Induction app

Our free My Induction app has expert advice and activities to build the skills you need as you begin your teaching career. The app is designed to complement the induction you receive within your school, as well as provide great advice for all teachers, regardless of employment status.

Improve with the Teacher Standards

When starting out as a teacher, you need to understand the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. The Teacher Standards define the elements necessary to deliver high-quality, effective teaching that improve educational outcomes for students. They'll also help you transition from the Graduate to Proficient career stages in order to become a fully registered teacher.

Advice for working in remote settings

If you are thinking about or preparing to live and teach in a remote community, the following resources are intended to provide information, insights and advice to support your understanding of your community and teaching contexts.

Find out about teacher registration

Although AITSL does not register teachers - you'll need to contact your state or territory teacher regulatory authority to do that - we can give you information on registration and some tools and resources to help you prepare for registration.