Teacher resources

Thinking about migrating to Australia to teach, or have you already migrated here and need to know more about teaching in Australia? Then we encourage you to explore our resources. These resources are designed to support you in your Australian teaching journey. Our comprehensive guides will help you better understand Australia’s education system and give you practical tips for finding employment.

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Thinking of teaching in Australia – check out our guide which will introduce you to the Australian education system and classrooms.
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Do you want to secure employment as a teacher in Australia – check out our guide which will step you through what you need to know.

System and school leader resources

Research and anecdotal evidence tell us that, for a migrant teacher’s journey to be successful, a supportive environment must be created where migrant teachers can thrive, and receiving schools can prosper from the value they bring. These resources provide insights and suggestions for systems and school leaders on how they can support a migrant teacher transition into Australian classrooms.

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Setting up for Success outlines findings from research and consultation about supporting migrant teachers at the school level and includes practical tips and advice from school leaders.
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Successful Induction for Migrant Teachers intends to stimulate discussions that occurs as part of an employer provided induction program about the differences between Australian schools and those of their home country or other countries in which they have taught..
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Pathways to teaching provides research and consultation insights into directions schools and education systems can take to support the attraction and retention of migrant teachers.

Australia’s education system is considered one of the best in the world. Australian teachers take pride and satisfaction in what they do and contribute to the wellbeing and success of future generations.

As the professional body for Australian teachers, we are here to support you in every step of your teaching career. Whether you’re an experienced overseas teacher, or just starting out, we have evidence-based tools and resources to support you as a teacher.

We have an excellent education system, with good working conditions for teachers. You have a lot of flexibility towards what kind of teacher you want to be, not just primary or secondary, but as a specialist, language teacher, or in a supported education setting.
Leon - Principal