Chair’s message
First and foremost, AITSL is a for-purpose organisation. We are here to develop teaching and leadership expertise and empower teachers and leaders to create better education outcomes for Australian students.
Over the past 10 years, we have focused on the areas where we make the most impact. Our evidence-based advice and guidance has led to national educational reforms that have supported quality teaching and leadership in Australia. We have developed 9 Standards and frameworks that are the foundational pillars for the national education landscape. We have built a solid base of evidence-based tools and resources to support the implementation of these pillars.
We have also established clear and effective frameworks for undertaking genuine consultation and collaboration with teachers and leaders in schools and early childhood and other education settings, and representatives from government systems, Catholic and independent school sectors, teacher regulatory authorities, initial teacher education providers, teacher unions, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and groups, principal and other professional associations and community organisations (referred to in this document as our Key Partners).
In 2021, the AITSL Board developed a paper to help lead discussion about what AITSL’s focus should be for the next decade.
Feedback on Developing, Esteeming, and Investing in Expertise: The Second Decade of AITSL, has helped shape this 4-year strategic plan (1 July 2022 to 30 June 2026).
During consultation, we heard clearly and enthusiastically from our Key Partners that we should continue to do what we do best and build on the solid foundations we have carefully laid over the past 10 years. In doing so, our Key Partners expressed the strong desire for AITSL to be bold in our approach.
You will see in our Strategic Priorities that we have listened; our priorities continue to focus on what we do best. As we shape our work program, we will ensure we are bold in our approach and implementation so that teachers and leaders at each career stage are supported to do what they do best, educating Australia’s students.

Emeritus Laureate Professor John Hattie