AITSL is committed to supporting the HALT Network
By joining the HALT Network, you will be able to collaborate with HALTs nationally and be able to access member discounts and opportunities.
We use the information you provide to ensure that the HALT Network delivers the service we promised you.
Choosing not to join the national network does not alter your status as a HALT or the opportunities available to you within your state/territory.
We will always be transparent about the information we collect about you, how it is held and used and with whom it is shared. You control your personal information and the permissions to share it.
The HALT Network is open to HALTs from around Australia.
This information should be read in conjunction with the AITSL Privacy Policy.
Information we collect
Information you provide to us
To create a HALT Network account, you need to provide information including your name, email address and a password.
You have choices about the information on your profile and what is visible to other HALT Network registrants, such as where you are working, your role, type of education setting (e.g. early childhood, primary etc), your work location (metro, regional or remote and state), the education sector you work in, HALT category (e.g. highly accomplished or lead, alumni), your email, your social media links, your own biography and your skills.
Service Use
We record usage information when you visit or otherwise use the HALT network.
We record your attendance to HALT Summits, participation in other HALT events, e.g. research and/or media opportunities.
Information from others
The HALT Certifying Authorities in each state and territory provide AITSL with information about HALTs, including, first name, last name, state, year certified, career stage, school or early childhood service and sector.
How we use your information
AITSL maintains the HALT network to provide you with the opportunity to collaborate with other HALTs from around Australia
AITSL uses information provided by HALT Certifying Authorities to verify your HALT Network Account.
AITSL will deidentify the information collected in the HALT Network and produce reports including statistics about the HALT Network for the Australian Government and HALT Certifying Authorities.
These reports may be published on the AITSL’s website.
By joining the HALT Network, you agree to allow AITSL to contact you to invite you to participate in a range of activities, including but not limited to:
• participate in events, e.g. the HALT Summit
• contribute to AITSL publications, e.g. AITSL Mail
• participate in research or media opportunities
• participate in stakeholder consultations
How we share your information
When you agree to share your HALT Network profile, you will also be able to see the profile of other HALTs. This means that you can connect with others and exchange professional opportunities in accordance with the terms and conditions of the HALT Network.
AITSL will not provide your contact details to any third parties without your express permission to do so. AITSL will contact you to inform you of any opportunities.
If you sign up to another AITSL product or application via the HALT Network (eg. My Teaching Advice), your HALT Network profile information may be transferred to the other product.
How we store your information
Your HALT Network account information is maintained on AITSL website database
Information provided by the HALT Certifying Authorities is maintained by AITSL outside of the HALT Network database.
Rights to Access and Control Your Personal Information
You can edit your account profile and whether you want to share your profile with other HALTs at any time by logging into your account.
Account closure
If you close your HALT Network account, your status as a HALT or the opportunities available to you within your state/territory will not be altered.
To close your account, you will need to advise AITSL in writing on the following email address: [email protected].