Each classroom has a folder for relief teachers containing key information about the class, the class rules, timetable and any specific student needs along with relevant school policies. Angela ensures these folders are kept relevant and up to date by regularly working with the classroom teachers to review and maintain the content.
In the first lesson today, Angela undertakes a classroom observation.
Angela plays a key role in developing staff and improving teaching and learning through the classroom observation approach which she introduced at the start of this year.
Angela enables teachers to engage in observations by building them into the existing school improvement plan and aligning them to the Professional Learning Community (PLC) cycles and the teacher’s Professional Development Plans (PDPs). The focus of each observation is informed by data, “We focus on an area identified to improve both teacher practice and student learning outcomes.”
Following today’s observation Angela and the teacher have a conversation guided by a template that details the student and teacher goals, linked to the teacher’s PDP and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Teacher Standards).