A dedicated, high quality preschool program results in significant learning gains for children with research pointing to an increased score of 10-20 points on NAPLAN in Year 3 (the equivalent of 15-20 weeks of schooling) compared with children who do
not attend a preschool program.
Early childhood settings are diverse and complex, often illustrating unique challenges for early childhood teachers to access high quality professional learning. Research indicates that whilst many different types of professional learning exist in early
childhood settings, there are common features that early childhood teachers and leaders can engage with to further support children’s learning, development and wellbeing.
Some of the common professional learning features for teachers and leaders include:
- Identifying a particular need prior to engaging in professional learning to consciously improve practice
- Receiving ongoing professional learning over time
- Having opportunities to question, assess and reflect upon their own teaching and learning
- Applying new knowledge and skills within their own educational settings
- Having access to an experienced teacher acting as a mentor or critical friend to discuss developing practice