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AITSL has developed Selection Guidelines that were agreed by all Australian Education Ministers in September 2015. The Selection Guidelines state that all initial teacher education providers should:

  • Set both academic and non academic criteria and apply these to every student they admit to their programs
  • Publish information about their selection mechanisms to ensure transparency, including:  Selection mechanisms used
  •  Threshold entry standards applied
  • Student cohort data
  •  Any exemptions used
These guidelines provide further information and guidance for providers in meeting these program standards, and accreditation panels in assessing applications. The document outlines the key factors for providers of accredited initial teacher education programs in Australia to take into account when developing and implementing selection processes and determining entry requirements for their programs. They also outline reporting requirements.
The Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group found strong support for a sophisticated approach to selection of candidates, taking into account academic capability, literacy and numeracy skills and personal characteristics, in order to select the students who will make the best teachers.
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Selection guidelines fact sheet