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Two early career teachers discuss their strategies for involving parents in their students’ learning. They meet with more experienced teachers to develop and review these strategies. They focus on developing collaborative and communicative relationships to build trust and to unite learning at home and at school. Teacher-parent communication initiatives include an online blog, Facebook, Twitter, email and text messaging, a Vietnamese-language newsletter, and the provision of interpreters for face-to-face meetings. The parents are also invited to teach items of cultural interest at the school and to support rotation activities.
St Gabriel’s is a Catholic primary school catering to many families from non-English speaking backgrounds, as well as students with English-speaking background.
  • What strategies could you use to engage parents / carers from non-English speaking backgrounds?
  • How can you collaborate with parents / carers in your classroom?
  • How can you support parents / carers to promote their children’s learning at home?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Engaging a parental community