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The teacher librarian acknowledges the importance of incorporating a variety of strategies to engage students in meaningful learning tasks. She works with the library team to plan, implement and evaluate learning tasks that cater for the specific learning needs of a range of children. She values planning with the library team and other teachers to establish the routines, rules and expectations that create shared understandings and responsibility in students.
St Francis of Assisi Primary School is located north of Melbourne and has over 900 students enrolled in prep to year 6. Over 50 per cent of students speak English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D), and 46 countries are represented within the school population. The library is staffed with 1 fulltime teacher librarian, one 0.7 teacher librarian and a fulltime library technician. Volunteer parents are also involved with the day-to-day tasks of borrowing, returns and processing of resources.
  • How do you support colleagues to ensure all students are supported and engaged in their learning?
  • Why is it important to collaboratively plan, evaluate and modify learning and teaching programs in this context?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Engaging students in literature