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In a unit of work on farming practices, a year 4/5 teacher uses texts to encourage students to consider the ways in which fire was used by Aboriginal Australians as a technology to manage land. The teacher believes in the importance of teaching curriculum through Aboriginal perspectives and discusses the ways in which she supports colleagues to embed Aboriginal cultural studies into their teaching programs by selecting culturally appropriate resources. 
Sturt Street Community School is a Birth to Year 7 school located in central Adelaide which has a culturally diverse student population. The teacher has been involved in collaboration with teachers from seven other schools to embed Aboriginal Cultural Studies into curriculum learning areas, resulting in a database which suggests resources and activities that will support teachers to effectively embed Aboriginal perspectives into their teaching programs
  • How do you support colleagues to incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures into teaching programs?
  • Why is it important to ensure the cultural appropriateness of resources when teaching about, or teaching through, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives?
  • How do you promote reconciliation in your school context?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Fire stick farming