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A graduate teacher uses guided reading as a strategy for differentiating teaching to target the learning needs of year 5 students across a range of abilities. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher provides clear instructions to each of the working/ability groups that she has created based on previously undertaken formative assessments. The literacy tasks set for each group are designed to cater for a range of specific but common learning needs. Four of the five groups are instructed to work both independently and collaboratively on tasks designed by the teacher. The teacher then works with one group on a 'reading aloud' activity. During the activity, the teacher supports students, asks questions about what they are reading and provides explicit teaching at point of need. 
O’Connor Primary School is located in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, 600km east of Perth. The students in this year 5 class have a diverse range of literacy and numeracy learning needs. Reading is a focus across the school and additional resources are allocated to curriculum support and appropriate professional development to strengthen the emphasis on reading. All teachers in the school have implemented a Literacy Block with a focus on specific strategies designed to improve the reading skills of all students.
  • How could you identify the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities in your classroom?
  • What process do you use to select and evaluate content and resources that target literacy needs of student groups across the range of abilities in your class?
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Offline package - Guided reading