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This is fifth edition of the Initial teacher education: data report. Over the past five years, the report has presented the available data on initial teacher education (ITE) in a single resource.

The Initial teacher education: data report 2017 brings together a range of data about ITE applicants, students and graduates collected by the Australian Government that are publicly available or available upon request as customised data.

Due to the timing associated with public release, mostly 2015 data are used in this report. This year data on early career teachers have been included from the 2016 AITSL Stakeholder Survey.

This report aims to inform ongoing research and policy development by providing data about ITE in an easily accessible single resource. By highlighting, describing and analysing data specific to teacher education in Australia, the report also contributes to the broader public discussion of issues related to ITE.

1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack

