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An English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) specialist and IT teacher meet to plan how to modify a unit of work to support EAL students in a Year 10 Information Processing and Publishing class. The original task required knowledge of skiing that could not be assumed and was unnecessary, so that became the first modification. The EAL/D teacher then recommended breaking down the task components, providing an item bank, and using a Teaching Learning Cycle to plan details.
An EAL/D specialist and a subject teacher have met twice a term to work on identifying and addressing the learning needs of EAL/D students in a year 10 class, particularly regarding the language demands and the prior knowledge assumptions underpinning the set tasks. This third term meeting relates to a new class, and started with the EAL/D specialist providing information about the particular learning needs of the EAL/D students on the class list.
  • How do you plan your teaching and learning to take account of students with EAL/D or other language needs?
  • In what ways could you modify a particular learning task to allow a student or students to demonstrate understanding with different levels of demand on their language?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Joint planning for EAL,D students