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At the end of a lesson sequence on the life cycle of silkworms with a composite class of transition and year 1 students, a pre-service teacher in her final teaching round draws together her students' observations using a range of science inquiry skills. Careful planning of the teaching activity is central to her approach. She uses an initial think-pair-share thinking activity before modeling the main learning activity of the lesson to the students. While students complete the set task, she supports and focuses individuals and groups on their learning.
Ross Park is the oldest government primary school in Alice Springs. It has almost 400 students of which 25 per cent are Indigenous. At the school, a pre-service teacher from Charles Darwin University is in her final round of teaching practice. The lesson allows the teacher to explore and use a range of classroom management strategies that can lead to effective individual, group and whole class learning.
  • What strategies can teachers adopt to enhance their organisation of classroom activities?
  • What directions do teachers need to provide students when they are involved in group or collaborative learning?
2 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Lifecycle of silkworms


Student sample silkworm sketch