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The teacher has designed the lesson to highlight the connections between the constant acceleration formula and Newton's laws. The students form theories and test predictions with a practical activity using carts and ramps. The teacher supports the students to articulate their reasoning to facilitate self-correction. The teacher reflects on the thinking and learning with the students at the end of the lesson
John Monash Science School is the first school of its kind in Victoria and one of only three such specialist science providers in Australia. Opening for the first time in 2010, the facilities and infrastructure are multi-storey and based on a ‘learning commons’ design to facilitate the variety of flexible teaching and learning approaches characteristic of the school. JMSS has formed strong partnerships with researchers and academics in a broad mix of scientific fields at Monash University. JMSS delivers its curriculum via a team teaching paradigm that supports teachers to collaborate and plan lessons around the needs of the students, and allows for flexibility in teaching strategies and differentiating learning. Through this approach JMSS seeks to develop student skills in collaboration, team-work, compromise, creativity and problem-solving, and to accentuate more activity-based learning, project-based learning, and genuine team-based inquiry which are all important in developing STEM knowledge and skills. All JMSS curriculum is accessible anywhere and anytime online to allow for seamless transitions between home and school.
  • What opportunities are there for students to explore the "real world" in your classes?
  • How would you recognise 'innovative practice' and where have you seen it in your school context?
  • How can you utilise your school's local environment to support learning?
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Offline package - Linking scientific concepts