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A classroom teacher who is also a literacy leader models teaching strategies she uses in a Year 1 literacy writing session to ensure students’ literacy requirements are met. Here the teacher demonstrates the instructional strategies used when working with a small focus group to extend and improve their literacy skills.
This is a Year 1 writing lesson where the students are using the recount instructional strategy to write their own stories about a recent excursion. A Year 3 teacher who will teach Year 1 the following year is observing how her colleague structures the writing hour. A post-lesson discussion allows the current Year 1 teacher to clarify her understanding of the purpose of a focus group as an instructional strategy.
  • What can you do to support colleagues to implement effective literacy teaching strategies in the classroom?
  • What are the most effective professional learning strategies you use to mentor other teachers?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Modelling focus group teaching