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The teacher works with her colleague to review their students’ achievements in a ‘real world’ numeracy task. She leads a discussion, analysis and interpretation of student work samples, identifying how and why students have or have not been able to grasp the key mathematical concept underpinning the lessons. The moderation enables the teachers to make consistent and comparable judgements of student learning, identify future interventions and evaluate their teaching practice.
Through demonstration teaching, the school’s numeracy coordinator assisted her colleague to develop practical and experiential approaches to teaching an abstract mathematics concept. The subsequent assessment moderation allows her to manage an analysis and evaluation of the student work samples, ensuring consistent and comparable judgements of student learning. The assessment moderation also provides opportunities for both teachers to reflect upon the learning and teaching, and to identify future teaching interventions.
  • How do you attempt to make your assessments of student work valid, reliable and consistent?
  • How can you improve the use of formative assessment in your classroom?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline packages - Moderating worksamples