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The teacher uses a number of techniques to facilitate her students learning in the lesson. These include a physical warm-up that relates to the content being taught; in this instance, pattern recognition is utilised. The teacher uses revision of familiar content to scaffold the teaching of new content. The lesson includes a number of activities that the students rotate through. Further explicit instruction is provided to students who require extra support. Students are regularly assessed to ensure there are no gaps in their learning.
Humpty Doo Primary School is a Northern Territory Government primary school situated 40km South-East of Darwin. The school has a student population that reflects the multicultural diversity of the surrounding community with a large number of families who speak English as a Second Language. 25% of students identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, and a further 30% of the students have Vietnamese, Thai, Filipino, Japanese, Indonesian, Cambodian, Spanish, Dutch or Chinese cultural backgrounds. Humpty Doo Primary School has a priority to develop the social-emotional wellness and inclusion of all members within the school community. To support this priority, the school is committed to being an active KidsMatter school and Tribes Learning Community. Staff work collaboratively in teaching and learning hubs to develop curriculum programs responsive to the Australian Curriculum with a current focus on literacy improvement and the implementation of Visible Learning approaches. 
  • What strategies could you use to improve the engagement of young learners?
  • What assessment strategies could you use to identify gaps in student learning?
  • What might be some of the benefits of using a warm-up or "tuning-in" activity?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Multiple activities to engage students