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The teacher greets parents as they bring children to preschool. He supports children as they engage with play activities. His warm, gentle manner is evident as he creates a climate of inclusion and quiet enjoyment. He uses music to invite children to join the group and engages them in songs and circle games where they practice English language and learn to follow instructions and work together. He reads a story to introduce concepts about similarities, differences and opposites. The teacher meets with a parent to discuss their child’s learning and development over the year and to plan for his transition to school.
Atherton Gardens Preschool is located in the City of Yarra in inner-suburban Melbourne. In this linguistically and culturally diverse setting, most children and their families have English as a Second Language. The teacher therefore focuses on fostering students’ language learning and social skills and puts considerable effort into building strong, trusting relationships with families and the community. He has developed effective strategies to involve parents in their child's learning as well as to report on each student's progress.
  • How can you help students to settle in quickly, attend to tasks and engage with others?
  • How could you use story and song to build students’ language understanding and use?
  • What are the most effective ways to create and maintain supportive relationships with families that enhance students’ learning?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Music connects language and social skills