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In this unit of work the teacher set the students a task of conducting an experiment based on a consumer product of their choice. Inspired by recent professional learning the teacher incorporates ICT by having the students share their practical report as a multimedia presentation. The teacher uses the presentations as an opportunity for students to use rubrics to reflect on, discuss and assess each other's work. Through this she hopes to highlight how rubrics connect to the requirements of a task, and that to achieve success they need to understand and address all elements of a task.
Northcote High School is a large co-educational school in the inner north of Melbourne. In 1996 the school became a Science and Technology Centre. The sustained focus on science ensures that students have access to a broad range of opportunities within and outside of the classroom, including through inquiry based projects, community projects that draw in expert practitioners, and partnerships with universities. 
  • How can you manage small group work to ensure active participation of all students?
  • Can you identify new opportunities to incorporate multimedia into your learning programs?
  • How do you connect classroom content with real world problems or students' own experiences?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Peer assessing science inquiry presentations