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Here the English teacher identifies her need to update her knowledge of text production. This will enable her to more effectively teach students at a higher year level.  She has begun her own professional development by targeting her own writing and has sought personal mentoring online and face-to-face. As she continues her own professional learning she can then transfer those skills to her teaching to improve student learning. This is an area that fits with the school’s curriculum priorities in advancing student text production.
The school is in the Adelaide metropolitan area. In this example Language A refers to the English learning area. The teacher is engaged in her own professional learning and improving her own practice which will directly impact on the school’s priorities in the learning area.
  • How do you identify your professional learning needs?
  • How do you update your knowledge and improve your practice?
  • How does your professional learning and professional development impact on the school and/or system priorities?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Professional learning