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The teacher demonstrates his understanding of Indigenous history and the importance of reconciliation in the school and community. His knowledge of reconciliation was developed as a community member, his own schooling and in university. He builds a strong rapport with students and uses Aboriginal Education Workers to strengthen links with the community. The teacher shows respect by encouraging Aboriginal students to share knowledge of their culture in the subjects he teaches.
The teacher works with a Year 11 Mathematics class in a rural school.  Over 10 per cent of students at the school have an Indigenous background. He is respectful in his interactions with all students and understands local Indigenous histories, cultures and languages. The teacher recognises the importance of facilitating and guiding student learning.
  • How do you develop knowledge of, understanding of and respect for local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and languages?
  • What reconciliation strategies could work in your own school setting?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Promoting reconciliation