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The teacher describes how he used student feedback to transform his teaching methodology and practice. His previous use of an interactive whiteboard (IWB) as a tool to support his teacher-centered lecture style had proved ineffective and inefficient. Consequently, he has adopted an approach where he prepares short video presentations that cover the essential concepts in each mathematics lesson. These allow him to spend more time assisting his students. Students have responded positively to his approach and to also to the innovative resources he has developed.
Established in 2011, Gungahlin College is a senior secondary school for years 10–12 in the ACT. It has over 800 students studying traditional and vocational studies. The school was designed and purpose built to incorporate extensive use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in a wireless networking environment. The teacher is able to take advantage of the learning environment that the school provides by presenting his short videos on a classroom IWB. The videos are linked to the class virtual learning environment, allowing students to play and replay videos in order to grasp the concepts involved.
  • What are the defining features of an effective lesson plan?
  • Do teachers in your school value ‘student voice’ or feedback?
  • How can IWBs be used to effectively and efficiently support student learning and engagement?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Responding to student feedback