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A classroom teacher models teaching strategies to a colleague that she uses in a year one literacy lesson that aims to address the individual learning needs of her students. The lesson is based on improving the children’s oral language skills in particular how to structure a sentence during a whole class session and a small focus group.
The school in outer suburban Melbourne has approximately 300 students. It has an increasing number of students from EAL/D backgrounds, many of which are represented in the teacher’s class. In year 1, there are a number of students that have been identified as requiring support in oral language and literacy. The school encourages professional learning through peer observation. Another year 1 teacher observes the lesson in order to improve her knowledge and understanding of the strategies used to improve students literacy skills.
  • What effective strategies do you use to improve students’ literacy achievement?
  • How do you differentiate your teaching to cater for students with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds?
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Offline package - Sentence structure