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A teacher at a preschool in Alice Springs, is committed to understanding what is best for children's learning. Professional reading, collegiate discussions and workplace observations have shown her the importance of flexibility in responding to student learning needs. In the clip, she draws upon effective questioning strategies that address the learning strengths and needs of her children. She is also convinced that whoever is doing the thinking is doing the learning, and this is why she encourages child-generated learning experiences.
Rona Glynn Preschool is part of the Ross Park Primary School complex in Alice Springs. It caters for children turning 4 by June 30th. Two groups attend preschool for 15 hours per week per group. The teachers at the school are committed to understanding how students learn and use research, collegiate discussion and workplace observation to improve their understandings.
  • Should the feedback we provide to students always be based on what is correct?
  • What research have you found useful in understanding how students learn?
  • How can you modify your teaching activities or programs to respond to individual or groups needs or interests?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Supporting children's development