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The teacher is mentoring a graduate teacher who is teaching a gifted class and discusses the demands of teaching this type of class. She reflects on the graduate teacher’s performance during her practicum, and the ways in which she engaged her students and delivered the content. She provides constructive suggestions for how the graduate teacher could draw quieter students into discussions. The teachers then reflect on ways in which the graduate teacher can better support the students in their essay writing.
MacRobertson Girls’ High School is a selective entry public school in central Melbourne. Unique in its status as a state-wide provider for girls from Year 9 to 12, the selective nature of entry results in the  school having a broad socio-economic and cultural mix and the students having a strong commitment to academic excellence.
  • What strategies can you support your colleagues to implement in the teaching of gifted students?
  • What communication methods do you model to ensure that every student has a voice?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Supporting Gifted Students