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A teacher and an advisor discuss the aims of a lesson before it is delivered and reflect on what worked in the lesson subsequent to its delivery. The advisor focuses on developing the teacher's practice by emphasising the need to develop more engaging teaching and learning strategies. She encourages the teacher to modify his approach so that it becomes much more student-centred and more collaborative. By trialing content delivery in a simulated learning environment, the teacher has opportunities to refine and experiment with a range of pedagogies.
The advisor brings to the discussion of the lesson delivered by the teacher an awareness of a range of pedagogies that might be used with students to engage them more actively in their learning. In suggesting options for the teacher to consider in future lessons, the advisor aims to extend his repertoire of professional practices to enable him to more fully meet the expectations of contemporary learners. Introduction to University Culture is a course designed and taught by qualified teachers as part of the University Preparatory Program. It offers several topics to help students build the skills they will need for university study. 
  • Participation in what kinds of professional discussions, and or forums, can lead to improved professional knowledge and practice?
  • How have you initiated professional discussions, which evaluate practice, and that lead to improved teacher knowledge and student outcomes?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Unpacking teaching strategies