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Here a teacher uses social media platforms as a means of engaging students in a year 7 geography unit about Antarctica. The teacher asks students to create a social media profile for a fictional character, who lives and works in Antarctica. She employs an interactive whiteboard to introduce the lesson and to show stimulus materials. The teacher subsequently supervises her students who are using tablet computers to complete the social media profiles.
Students have been learning about the various occupations of people who live in Antarctica and are beginning to develop an understanding of the wide range of occupations.  This lesson is at the start of the unit of work. Students at the school use information and communication technologies (ICT) in every class to engage with content, teacher instructions, and to complete work. The teacher values ICT as she believes that it can expose students to real-world situations and help develop empathy and critical and creative thinking skills.
  • How do you use ICT to promote learning of, and engagement with, the key concepts of the learning area?
  • In what ways can digital resources and tools illuminate areas that students are usually unable to experience in the classroom?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - Using social media