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In this classroom comprising 3–5 year olds, the teacher and assistants greet each child warmly and help them settle to a learning activity. The focus teacher interacts with several children as they engage in different tasks. One child is constructing a car out of boxes, another is working on a mathematics activity to record large numbers, and a third is matching cards with visual similarities and differences. The teacher demonstrates quiet patience, courtesy and responsiveness as she scaffolds learning and encourages persistence. She then meets with a child’s carer for the scheduled twelve-weekly review so that together they can plan for the child’s ongoing development.
The setting provides sensitive 'wrap around' care for vulnerable children and families who encounter multiple disadvantages and who would not normally access a preschool program. Educators work with the same group of children over two years, building trust and holistic knowledge of each child and family’s needs. Every day, they greet arriving families and establish a close attachment with each child before encouraging the child to move into self-selected spaces where they can play quietly and interact with an educator. Educators meet with each child’s carer on a twelve-weekly basis to review the child's learning and development and to plan how home and the learning setting can work together to continue the child’s progress. Learners at the Centre work towards learning outcomes from approved early years learning frameworks.
  • How can you develop deep, personal understanding about each child and their family circumstances to support learning?
  • What everyday strategies could you employ to help a child to feel belonging and connection before they engage with learning?
  • How can you build collaborative relationships with family members to better support children’s learning progress?
1 supporting file(s)

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Offline package - Wrap around care supports learning