What’s your definition of great teacher?
Great teachers help you to feel confident and not embarrassed to ask more questions.
At my school, our teachers show us different ways of finding the answer to a question. You can choose the way that works best for you.
Mrs Sill:
At Lourdes Hill, teachers are very open to feedback from the students. Teaching is a dialogue between students and teachers.
Which teacher has made a real difference to you, as a learner?
My maths teacher, Mrs Sill, has made a big difference to my learning. She makes maths easy to understand. She will sit down and explain everything to me, so that I understand. She makes me feel confident and comfortable to ask questions.
If you get a good mark, she says: Good Job! She’s really nice. She shows me that working hard pays off.
She makes everything fun. I feel engaged.
How does your Maths Teacher, Mrs Sill, make a difference to your learning?
Mrs Sill is a really great teacher. My results have improved a lot since last year, thanks to her. I used to get Bs and low Cs. This year, I’ve definitely improved, especially in problem solving [understanding of fluency, complex problem solving and reasoning].
She has all these different ways of teaching, like using a piñata to show us how algebra works.
Mrs Sill:
Maths is not a secret language. It’s a skill that you can learn. And it takes practice. Just because a student doesn’t feel confident at the start, it doesn’t mean that they won’t grow to be successful in the future. I try to use real life examples or stories that students will easily grasp in class to explain a skill. Something as simple as breaking open a piñata at a birthday party can be used to help a student visualise the process of expanding an algebraic expression.
Why should teachers be proud of their profession?
I think it’s because it’s ok to do whatever you want. You have to work hard to be what you want to be.
Mrs Sill:
It’s really satisfying to be able to work with students to build their confidence and celebrate their successes with them.
It’s important for teachers to understand each student and where they are at. We have a data analytics dashboard at this school, which provides data on each student. This helps me to improve my teaching and tailor my approach to each student.
We also offer online learning (LHC Virtual) at our school and girls can access that at home as well as at school.
I use LHC Virtual every day to do my homework. I find it really useful, especially when I don’t understand something.
Eloise, do you like Maths?
I find maths quite fun. I think I prefer exams over assignments. I find it easier to do an exam in one day. It’s quicker than an assignment – they take more time to do.
When I leave school, I may look for a job as an accountant.