Privacy is our top priority
The ATWD contains only de-identified data that is used for reporting, analysis and research purposes. No personal information is included in the ATWD and individual teachers cannot be identified.
Two governing entities protect your privacy
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), an accredited Commonwealth Integrating Authority, has been appointed to manage the data collation, linkage, security and storage required to build the ATWD.
The AIHW is required by its legislation to ensure the highest standards of data security and privacy protection, and ensures that ATWD data is de-identified, safe and secure. More information about the AIHW is available on their webpage.
A number of existing data sources are used to build the ATWD. These contain some personal information, but this will be used strictly for linking the data sets to build the ATWD. Any personal information is removed and stored in a separate, secure, offline
environment by the AIHW. It is not included in the ATWD database.
ATWD Oversight Board
The ATWD Oversight Board provides governance on all aspects of the ATWD. It is responsible for ensuring the strict privacy and security processes are adhered to, and ensures that data is used solely for the purposes of understanding trends and gaps in the teacher workforce and initial teacher education.
The Oversight Board has broad representation from across the education community:
- Teacher regulatory authorities
- Catholic and Independent sector
- Australian Government Department of Education
- State and territory Education Departments
- Initial teacher education providers
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) is implementing the ATWD with the AIHW and the ATWD Oversight Board to ensure high-quality data is provided in the interest of the national teaching workforce.
ATWD Data Access and Reporting Protocols
The ATWD Data Access and Reporting Protocols (the Protocols) govern data access, analysis and reporting, and publication of findings. The current version of the Protocols were approved on 18 February 2025 and are provided below.
Applications to access the data (Category 2 projects) as described in the protocols opened on 1 July 2024, for eligible organisations.
Privacy Impact Assessment
A privacy impact assessment for the ATWD has been completed as part of the ATWD implementation plan. The report is provided below.
Unit-record data
The ATWD may grant access to unit-record data in certain instances. Find out more about the protocols and download the application form.