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Two lessons, within a wider literacy unit on 'literary recounts', are taught by a pre-service teacher. In the first lesson, the teacher requires the students to listen and comprehend while she models a 'recount'. In the second lesson, smaller groups take the story of the gingerbread man, use or adapt it with puppets and models, and film it with a tablet computer. Following these lessons, the pre-service teacher discusses elements of the lessons with her mentor teacher.
Ross Park is the oldest government primary school in Alice Springs. It has almost 400 students of which 25 per cent are Indigenous. At the school, a pre-service teacher from Charles Darwin University is in her final round of teaching practice. During this period, she has been able to teach a group of younger students a literacy unit using a text based on the story of the gingerbread man. 
  • What literacy or numeracy strategies have you used in your classroom/s?
  • How regularly do you think teachers need to keep abreast of new educational research about literacy and numeracy?
  • Does one approach to literacy and/or numeracy work, or do you use different approaches in different learning areas?
1 supporting file(s)

in this resource pack


Offline package - The gingerbread man